4 Ways to Use the Hello Bleach Bib 2.0 in Your Salon November 01, 2023Jodie Woods The Hello Bleach Bib 2.0 does away with the need for single-use/ disposable plastic capes, and saves you time and effort in the cleanup. But efficient and easy dye jobs...
Closing the Loop on Plastic Waste in Australia October 26, 2023Jodie Woods The newest range of Hello Bleach Sustainable Hardware for Hairdressers is here! Savvy stylists and eco-conscious colourists, you’re in luck. We’ve collaborated with hairdressers, toolmakers and manufacturers to produce and...
The Hello Bleach Bib 2.0 - The Most Innovative Hair Colouring Tool of 2023 December 06, 2022Jodie Woods The Hello Bleach Bib 2.0 is the latest and most significant breakthrough in colouring tools of 2023, well we think so anyway. It's a tool that takes your colour work...